Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions 2015

This post is difficult for me to write.  This year was busy, stressful, and overwhelming at times.  My husband went back to school, I took on new responsibilities at work, and, well, we have an old, diabetic cat.  I did not complete one of my crafty New Year's Resolutions for the year, so I am going to try again.  This year, I am taking the same 6 resolutions and giving them a second chance.  Here's to a year of more craft and less stress.

Crafty Resolutions for 2014 2015
1.  Post about my crafty progress on this blog at least twice a week.
2.  Continue my Year of Pinterest, trying a different pin from one of my Pinterest boards each month.
3.  Start my Etsy store.
4.  Complete Craft Yarn Council classes to become a knit and crochet instructor.
5.  Complete my Cedar Grain sweater and my Groovyghan, then start a skull shawl.
6.  Take care of myself (floss, moisturize, exercise, eat well, etc.)

Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?

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