1. Keep my checkbook balanced.
2. Continue the diet and exercise regimen I started in the summer.
3. Knit myself a sweater.
4. Keep up with the block-a-month crochetalong that I joined on Ravelry.
5. Go to the local knitting group more often. They meet at a wine bar once a week; you just can't beat that :)
6. Do some charity knitting.
7. Practice some new knitting and crocheting techniques.
8. Make my crafts into a business, either throught Etsy, craft fairs, Saturday Market, or some combination.
9. Find a second income to fund my crafts until they become a more viable business.
10. Be happy with my life :)
11. Almost forgot: Project 365. I will take a picture every day and post it to my second blog.
yay for mariokart! i love that game!
good luck on your resolutions :) got a lot of knitting to do!
Mariokart is a lot of fun, and I do have a lot of knitting to do :)
May I ask, if you would be interested in joining in my Alphabet Challenge with this blog in February.
You have a great themed blog, and it would be interesting to see what you could do with it.
The first post on Laughter Minute, should direct you and give you an idea of how best to join in.
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